
12 Tips to Save Money as a Student During the Cost of Living Crisis

Nevertheless, there are ways for students to save money and manage their finances in these challenging times. This article will provide 12 tips to help students save money during the cost of living crisis.

Tip 1: Create a budget

To effectively start saving money, it’s crucial to understand your expenses and income. Developing a budget can assist you in monitoring your finances and discovering ways to reduce spending.

In addition, setting long-term financial objectives for yourself, like saving for a down payment on a house or paying off debts, is crucial. Having specific goals in mind can motivate you to stick to your budget and make smarter financial decisions.

Making a budget will help you be in control of your finances.

Tip 2: Save money daily

Small expenses can add up quickly. To save money, try to cut back on daily expenses such as eating out, buying coffee, or using your car. Instead, try to cook at home, make your own coffee, and walk or bike instead of driving. These small changes can add up to significant savings over time.

Additionally, cooking at home can also lead to healthier eating habits and a more sustainable lifestyle. Walking or biking instead of driving can also improve your physical health and reduce your carbon footprint.

Tip 3: Reduce your electricity bill

Learning how to reduce your electricity bill can save you a significant amount of money each month. Make a habit of turning off lights and unplugging electronics when you’re not using them. You can also switch to energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. These small changes can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower your electricity bill.

Your home doesn’t need to be as brightly lit as a Japanese shopping street.

Tip 4: Use free resources

To save money on books and other materials, use free resources such as the library or online educational tools.

Several libraries also provide free access to internet databases and ebooks, which can be an excellent substitute for purchasing costly textbooks. Furthermore, several websites and applications provide free educational information and courses.

Tip 5: Get a part-time job

Consider getting a part-time job to help supplement your income. Many universities offer flexible on-campus jobs that can work around your class schedule. These opportunities can also provide significant work experience and chances for networking.

Yet, in order to avoid burnout or a poor impact on your academic performance, make sure you balance your employment and academic commitments.

Working in a café is a good way for a student to earn some money.

Tip 6: Cook at home

Eating out can be expensive, but cooking at home is a great way to save money. You can make large batches of food and freeze them for later use. You can also make use of ingredients that are on sale or in season. This not only saves money but also saves time as you can simply reheat frozen meals instead of cooking from scratch every day.

Cooking at home is a great way to save money.

Tip 7: Use cashback apps

Cashback apps can help you spend money wisely on your purchases. These apps offer you a percentage of your purchase back in cash, which you can then use towards future purchases or transfer to your bank account. Some of the popular apps include Rakuten, Honey, and Ibotta.

By using these apps, you can save money while shopping online without having to do anything extra.

Tip 8: Buy second-hand items

Buying second-hand items is a great way for students to save money. Whether it’s textbooks, clothes, or furniture, you can often find high-quality items at a fraction of the price of new ones. Thrift stores, garage sales, and online marketplaces are all great places to search for second-hand items.

Flea markets are a great place to buy all sorts of second-hand items.

Tip 9: Avoid credit card debt

Managing credit card debt can be challenging as it tends to accumulate rapidly. To prevent overspending, it is crucial to pay your credit card balance in full every month. Opting for a credit card with a low-interest rate or a rewards program can also be a wise choice. It’s essential to use your credit card prudently and abstain from making unnecessary purchases. Moreover, setting a budget and monitoring your expenses can help you remain within your financial limits.

Tip 10: Take advantage of student discounts

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to save money as a student, as numerous businesses provide student discounts. These discounts can apply to a wide range of goods and services, from cinema tickets to apparel outlets. It’s advisable to inquire about the availability of student discounts before making a purchase.

Many shops offer student discounts, making it possible for students to buy things at a lower price.

Tip 11: Find a roommate

Sharing a living space with a roommate can help you save money on rent and utilities, and it can also provide emotional support and companionship during your college years. However, try to choose a roommate who is responsible, respectful, and compatible with your lifestyle, as this will make sharing your living space with them significantly easier.

Here at, we offer great options for student accommodation. We list both private and shared options for student housing.

Tip 12: Cut back on unnecessary expenses

Take a look at your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. This could include cancelling subscriptions or memberships you don’t use, reducing dining-out expenses, or finding cheaper alternatives for products and services you regularly use. Remember, even small changes can add up to significant savings over time.