
The Ultimate Guide To Australian Phrases

When you first arrive to start your studies Down Under, you’ll probably find that your new Aussie friends use lots of words and phrases you haven’t ever heard before. We know it can be hard to learn slang and everyday words in the classroom, so we’ve put together this Ultimate Guide to Australian Phrases to help you impress the locals. ‘She’ll be right’ as soon as you’ve read this article!

Everyday Australian phrases

When you’re studying in Australia, you’re bound to hear all of these very common words and phrases everywhere you go, so it will be really useful to know them in advance – everyone from your classmates to the supermarket cashier will be using them!

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Greetings and expressions

Ultimate Guide to Australian Language_G'day

Items of clothing

Ultimate Guide to Australian Language_thongs

Food and drink

People and places


Bizarre Australian phrases

You could probably get by without knowing these weird words that are only found in Aussie-land, but why risk it? These are exclusive to Australia, so be warned if you try and take these words back home with you — they’re so bizarre, no one outside of the country has ever heard of them.

Just plain confusing Australian phrases

To a lot of international students, Australia is literally on the other side of the world, so it’s no wonder they seem to do things a bit differently. But, really Australia, are you just trying to make things difficult?

And if you go out to a restaurant, remember that:

We think we’ve covered just about everything there is to know about the awesome Australian language. If you think we’ve missed something, get in touch with us on Facebook or comment below!

Have you booked your accommodation in Australia yet? has fantastic student accommodation still available in Melbourne, Sydney and many more cities.

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