Make the most of your studies in the UK with our handy student guide
Moving abroad to study in new country isn’t easy. For a lot of international students, it’s often a daunting experience too. But studying abroad, especially in countries like the UK, doesn’t have to be a challenge.
To help international students coming to the UK for the first time, as well as students still finding their feet in the UK, created The Ultimate Guide for Preparing to Study in the UK.
Our UK student guide comes in the form of a handy 62 page booklet, filled with all the information you need to know to make the most of your study experience in the UK.
From packing and transportation to student bank accounts and language tips, the guide offers answer to a wide range of frequently asked questions from international students.

Included in our UK student guide is:
- How to find your ideal student accommodation in the UK
- Useful things to take to university
- Essential student air travel tips and airport hacks
- Studying in the UK essentials checklist
- Guide to UK transport
- How to make local friends when studying abroad
- Top student life hacks
- Apps that will improve life when study abroad
- Easy guide to writing an essay in English
- Science-backed tricks to improve your studying
- Tips for studying in another language
- British words international students should know
- Things international students don’t understand about the UK explained
- Top 10 secret gems you can experience when you study in the UK
- 101 things students should do when studying abroad
- How to open a student bank account in the UK
- How to eat out on a student budget
- Ways to boost your CV at university
- How to work in the UK after your studies
Our student guide is available to download for free. Download your free copy of The Ultimate Guide for Preparing to Study in the UK today.