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Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen

Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen, um über Änderungen bei der Verfügbarkeit, dem Preis und den Sonderangeboten der Unterkunft informiert zu werden

Ab AED3.300/Monat

  • Langfristiger Aufenthalt


27 haben dieses Wohnheim in den letzten 7 Tagen reserviert

Einzelheiten zur Unterkunft

Studying in Dubai? Lucky you! How about a comfy, all-inclusive student experience to go with it?

  • Adresse:


  • Distanz zu Zayed University
    • 119Min.
    • 65Min.
    • 10Min.
  • Distanz zu University of Birmingham Dubai
    • 119Min.
    • 65Min.
    • 10Min.
  • Einrichtungen: Küche, Eingerichtet, Waschküche, Kühlschrank, Fitnessstudio
  • Rechnungen enthalten: WLAN, Wasser, Strom, Heizung, Gas
  • Einrichtungen & Dienstleistungen

    • Wifi
    • Cinema Room
    • Fitnessstudio
    • Refrigerator
    • Bike storage
    • Reception
    • Management vor Ort
    • Fahrstuhl
    • Entertainment Area/ Room
    • Shuttle bus to university
    • Gemeinsame Küche
    • Library / Study Area
    • Komplett möbliert
    • Laundry Facilities in Student's Apartment
    • Videoüberwachung
    • Maintenance Team (Daytime only)
    • Controlled Access Gate (Locked gate)
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Alcohol in Communal/Public Areas
    • No Pets
    • No under 18

    Details der Rechnungen


    Dieser Preis ist der Endpreis. Es gibt keine weiteren Gebühren oder versteckten Preise

    • Cleaning Service
    • Wifi
    • Wasser
    • Strom
    • Heizung
    • Gas
    Die Einrichtungen und Kosten unterliegen dem endgültigen Vertrag.

    Bedingungen zur Reservierung


    Yugo Dubailand aims to provide the best student experience and comfortable living for all our students.

    Please see our cancellation policies based on the length of your booking, these cancellation policies once accepted online are binding, along with your tenancy contract:

    Booking 59 days or less:

    • Pre & Post Check-in cancellation policy:
    • Any cancellation will incur full charges for the booking. No amount will be refunded pre or post the check-in period.

    Bookings from 60 -89 days:

    • Pre – Check-in cancellation.

    Prior to check–in, if a student decides to cancel the booking, the Security deposit and Admin fee, AED 1,000 would be withheld and is non-refundable. Instalment paid would be refunded upon review, after submission of valid documents, supporting the cancellation.

    • Post – Check-in cancellation.

    Any cancellation post-check-in will incur a penalty which is equivalent to one month's rent from the cancellation date along with the deposit and admin fee of AED 1,000.

    Bookings from 90 days and above:

    • Pre – Check-in cancellation.

    Prior to check–in, if a student decides to cancel the booking, the Security deposit and admin fee, AED 2,500 would be withheld and is non-refundable. Instalment paid would be refunded, upon review after submission of valid documents, supporting the cancellation.

    • Post – Check-in cancellation.

    Any cancellation post-check-in will incur a penalty which is equivalent to one month's rent from the cancellation date along with the deposit and admin fee of AED 2,500.


    In the event of a breach of the residence policies, (mentioned in the contract clauses)i.e non-payment of rent, or breach of

    contract, management holds the right to terminate the contract. In case of termination

    1. Payments made are not refundable including the deposit and admin fee.
    2. Management will give a set notice period for the student/guardians to clear any outstanding payments (if
    3. applicable) and make alternative arrangements for accommodation.
    4. Management will send a formal letter to the student/tenant sponsor (which could be the University) and also the
    5. guardian, which shall detail the reasons/circumstances regarding the termination of the contract.

    Special requests & approval for release from cancellation without penalty:

    In an emergency or specific instance, students can request a special review of their cancellation circumstances. Each case is investigated on a case-by-case basis by management.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der property terms & conditions. Die property behält sich das Recht vor, die Bedingungen nach eigenem Ermessen auszulegen und zu ändern.
    • Garantie für ein perfektes Zuhause

      Wähle die beste studentische Unterkunft, damit du sicher und stylish wohnen kannst

    • Bester Preis garantiert

      Niedrigeren Preis gefunden? Wir passen uns an.

    • 24-Stunden Service vom erfahrenen Buchungs-Team

      Hol dir professionelle Ratschläge und Service von unserem mehrsprachigen Team, und das rund um die Uhr



    • 当季优惠


    • 留学锦囊


    • 新生入群
