Big Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus station

Big Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus stationBig Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus stationBig Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus stationBig Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus stationBig Penthouse near Big shopping mall and Parramatta Train/Bus station

  • Langfristiger Aufenthalt
Einzelheiten zur Unterkunft

SOLD out.

  • Adresse:

    Pitt St, Sydney, 2150

  • Distanz zu Pearson Professional Center (PTE) - Parramatta NSW
    • 11Min.
    • 11Min.
    • 4Min.
  • Distanz zu EnglishWise Sydney Parramatta
    • 12Min.
    • 12Min.
    • 5Min.
  • Distanz zu Western Sydney University - Parramatta
    • 42Min.
    • 38Min.
    • 8Min.
  • Einrichtungen: Küche, Eingerichtet, Waschküche, Kühlschrank
  • Rechnungen enthalten: WLAN, Wasser, Strom
  • Unterkunft

    6_King_St_Floor Plan

    Einrichtungen & Dienstleistungen

    • Wifi
    • Refrigerator
    • Entertainment Area/ Room
    • Gemeinsame Küche
    • Komplett möbliert
    • Laundry Facilities in Student's Apartment
    • Gefahrenmeldeanlage
    • Controlled Access Gate (24-hour)
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18
    • Rauchen verboten
    • No Pets
    • No under 18

    Wichtige Informationen

    Booking Process
    Anfrage einreichen
    Confirmed by the property manager
    Making payment
    Anfrage einreichen
    Your booking will be automatically cancelled if the property manager doesn't accept within 48 hours.
    You can contact the property manager via live chat to help you track the progress.
    Confirmed by the property manager
    You need to make the payment in time once the property manager confirms your booking.
    If the property is not available, the property manager will give you a new offer trying the best to provide you with a similar property.
    Making payment
    You need to make a partial payment to confirm your booking.
    Please wait for check-in in peace of mind after you complete the payment. (No more operations are required.)
    House rules
    These rules will need to be followed when you move in
    No under 18
    Rauchen verboten
    No Pets

    Details der Rechnungen

    • Wifi
    • Wasser
    • Electricity (Within usage capacity)
    Nicht inklusive
    • Heizung
    Die Einrichtungen und Kosten unterliegen dem endgültigen Vertrag.

    Cancellation policy - 

    Booking paid
    You can contact the property manager directly for more details.
    Any payments made will not be refunded if you cancel outside the cancellation period
    Move in
    • Garantie für ein perfektes Zuhause

      Wähle die beste studentische Unterkunft, damit du sicher und stylish wohnen kannst

    • Bester Preis garantiert

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    • 24-Stunden Service vom erfahrenen Buchungs-Team

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