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Hochschule der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe

Take a room in Bonn and spend your time discovering the city’s cultural heritage and sipping beer in student-friendly bars

Once the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn has a rich cultural heritage. Take some time to explore ‘Museum Mile’ where you can visit Haus der Geschicte — a huge museum which commemorates Germany’s social and political history — and Kunstmuseum Bonn, to see Modern Art. Check out Beethoven Haus, the house where Beethoven was born, where you can see instruments that he actually played, then climb to Drachenfels castle ruins for incredible views of the city — see if you can spot your student accommodation in Bonn. Dress up to celebrate the Karneval (the annual carnival) and, don’t forget to visit the famous Haribo factory to stock up on gummy bears. After dark, meet friends for beers at Alte Zoll.



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