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Choose one of our apartments in Aix-en-Provence and spend your free time exploring the city’s elegant gardens and museums

Step outside your Aix-en-Provence accommodation and follow in the footsteps of some of France’s most famous artists and intellectuals. Both Emile Zola and Paul Cézanne were inspired by the city, and it’s easy to see why as you stroll the stately avenue Cours Mirabelle, or sip coffee on the terrace at Café de Deux Garçons. Head to the Old Town to shop in the open air market, then see paintings by Cézanne, Matisse and Monet at Musée Granet, or learn more about the city’s cultural heritage at Caumont Centre d’Art. When hunger strikes, grab a table in the courtyard and sample the plat du jour at La Bidule, then get tickets for the opera at Grand Théâtre de Provence.



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