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Ferrandi Bordeaux

Enjoy the best of Bordeaux student life when you live in this sublime city that’s famous for history, architecture and wine

The centre of Bordeaux is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so you’ll never be short of incredible things to see and do. Take a stroll along its grand boulevards, admire the statues of philosophers Montaigne and Montesquieu in the huge square, Esplanade des Quinconces, or relax in the riverfront gardens. Leave your student housing in Bordeaux to stock up on produce at the Marché Capuçins, or hunt for bargains at the Saint Michel Flea Market every Sunday. Be inspired by the latest exhibition at CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain, or learn more about wine at Museé du Vin et du Négoce. Alternatively, head out of town for a day trip to St Emilion, a medieval village that’s famous for its vineyards.



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