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Université de Grenoble

Choose our Grenoble apartments and be perfectly placed to discover inspiring art, snow-capped mountains and verdant forests

It’s easy to see why Grenoble has earned the nickname ‘capital of the Alps’. This picturesque city is located at the foot of the French Alps, surrounded by soaring peaks and stunning forests, so you’ll want to get out and explore. Leave your Grenoble student housing and admire the views from the hillside fortress, La Bastille. Ride the spherical cable cars, called ‘Les Bulles’, back to the centre of Grenoble to soak up the arts scene at Musée de Grenoble, or see cutting edge exhibitions at Le Magasin National Centre of Contemporary Art. Stay out late as you enjoy the city’s bars, cafés and clubs, safe in the knowledge that excellent transport links make it easy to get home.



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