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Student accommodation in Egham

At Student.com we provide several options for student accommodation in Egham. If you’re thinking about living in Egham, we currently list some exciting student housing options in this town steeped in English history.

Our search filters will allow you to browse options based on price to find your favourites. For further information, our helpful booking consultants are always happy to answer any questions you might have. Just give us a call or contact us on live chat.

Get to know Egham

Egham, better known as the location where King John sealed the Magna Carta, is a small, quiet town in the Runnymede borough of Surrey, South East England.

Though it clearly doesn’t possess the commercial buzz of London or the pizzazz and charm of the smaller iconic English towns like Bristol, Egham still has things of big significance to offer to international students. 

This is where one of the most important documents for modern democracy, the Magna Carta, was signed in 1215. Windsor Castle, one of the main estates of the British royal family, is located just a 15-minute drive away. For students, Egham is notable for being the home of the Royal Holloway University.

With an existence that predates c.670 AD, Egham has a rich history which can be investigated at the Egham Museum housed in the Literary Institute.

With a population of just over 6,000, it’s no surprise that Egham is a close-knit community that makes you feel like you belong. If you need a taste of big city life, central London is just 40 minutes away by train.

Student life in Egham

A large portion of Egham’s small population is students. This means there is a lively social scene and many student clubs where you can play sports, be involved with student media, or do a number of other fun activities, whatever you happen to be interested in.

Places to go

There are several pubs in Egham with great atmospheres where you can enjoy a pint or a bite. If you’re feeling competitive you can enjoy a night of fun with a group of friends by taking part in a pub quiz.

If you’re feeling for some brunch on a weekend Bar 163 located on Egham High Street is the perfect spot. With delicious food and a quaint charming atmosphere, this gem of a restaurant is one of the best places to eat in Egham. Another culinary staple in Egham, The Golden Café, has a huge menu that could satisfy any cravings. You can sit inside to avoid bad weather, or sit outside and enjoy the sun and fresh air on the sunny days. If you have a sweet tooth head to Kaspa’s on the high street for some ice cream, milkshake, or a waffle. 

Having a Sunday roast is one of the most British things you could do. If you don’t feel like having the traditional British main meal at home, you can head to Barley Mow by Englefield Green for a great roast dinner. The big steaming plates of roast meat, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, parsnips, carrots, peas, and Yorkshire puddings are a great way to spend a weekend night in Egham with your friends or significant other. 

Things to do

If you choose to live in Egham, history and nature will be at your doorstep. You can enjoy the lush green fields, parks and waterfalls at Windsor Great Park, a 4,800-acre park managed by the Crown Estate.

You can learn about the history of human rights with a walk to the historical site where the Magna Carta was signed in 1215, or witness a beautiful work of architecture with a visit to the Air Forces Memorial, which is dedicated to the lives lost during the Second World War. 

If you’re into all-day events the Egham Royal Show on Bank Holiday weekend in August could be a source of fun for you. Held at Mrs. Caddy's Field, the annual agricultural show is a two-day event where attendees can see a vast array of displays of livestock and birds, vintage car parades, arts and crafts, horticulture and handicrafts and even dog shows with categories like "dog with the waggiest tail".

Where to study in Egham

Outside of its history, Egham is best known for its lone university, the Royal Holloway, or officially the Royal Holloway, University of London. It was opened as a college for women in 1886 and is one of the top universities in the UK. The famous Founder's Building is one of the most spectacular university buildings in the world.

Through its five primary faculties, Royal Holloway offers a wide range of courses in science, arts, and humanities. It’s one of the UK’s leading research-intensive universities and is home to some of the world’s leading experts in the sciences, arts, business, economics, and law.

The Royal Holloway consistently ranks very highly in overall student satisfaction and international outlook. Students and academics travel from all over the world to study and work at the university helping to create an international and multi-cultural perspective within the close-knit campus. 

Frequently asked questions about student accommodation in Egham

How do I apply for student housing in Egham?

After selecting your preferred housing, click ‘View rooms’ to go to the property page and click ‘Enquire’ or ‘Book Now’ on the room type you want to book or get more information about.

One of our booking consultants will then call you to take you through the next steps, either giving more details about the property or helping you get the contract done and signed with the landlord.

What types of rooms do you offer?

We offer three different types of student accommodation. 

The first option is a Shared Room where you’ll share a bedroom and other facilities with at least one other person. 

The second option is a Private Room where you’ll get your own bedroom (and in some properties a private bathroom) and share additional facilities with other tenants.

The third option is booking an Entire Place. This option will give you an entire studio all to yourself where you’ll have your own bedroom, bathroom, and cooking facilities.

Is it safe to rent private student accommodation in Egham?

Yes. If you book a private student accommodation with us it will be from a trusted provider thanks to our strict vetting process. 

Can I see the property before I move in?

Absolutely! If you’ll be in Egham before your move-in date, contact us and one of our booking consultants can arrange a viewing for you. 



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