5 Miles Street, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1RZ
Dieser Preis ist der Endpreis. Es gibt keine weiteren Gebühren oder versteckten Preise
You are entitled to cancel this Agreement before moving into Your Room by notifying us by email at kingsresidences@kcl.ac.uk.
You can cancel this Agreement:
- before 10 June and We will refund your £450.00 pre-payment.
- on or after 11 June, but you will not be entitled to any refund of your £450.00 pre-payment.
If you do not arrive on the date stated on your contract or your booked arrival slot, We shall not refund the pre-payment of £450.00 and you will have to pay an additional four weeks rent when you receive our invoice. If a suitable replacement student is found for your room within the four week period we will refund any overpayment made.
If You accept the offer of accommodation at the College, but Your academic offer is withdrawn by King’s College London Admission services, Your accommodation will be automatically cancelled and We will refund Your £450.00 pre-payment.
We can cancel this Agreement before You move into Your Room immediately, if You do not move into Your Room during Your booked arrival slot and despite making reasonable efforts to contact You by email or phone, You have not responded to Us within one day of Your arrival slot.
Wähle die beste studentische Unterkunft, damit du sicher und stylish wohnen kannst
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