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University of Oxford

University of Oxford accommodation

Famous the world over for its prestigious university, Oxford is one of the oldest and most celebrated university cities in the world.

Make your home in the ancient city by booking your student accommodation near the University of Oxford on Student.com. We offer both undergraduate and graduate accommodation in the private student accommodation properties we list on this website.

You can choose one of our student apartments with shared facilities or you can book a fully private studio flat just for yourself.

For more information on our student accommodation near the University of Oxford, call us or message us via Live chat on the bottom right-hand corner of this page. Our booking consultants are always happy to help find the best student apartment for you.

Where is Oxford University located?

The University of Oxford is located in the centre of the famous medieval city of Oxford, about 55 miles (88km) northwest of London.

The University does not have a main campus. Instead, its buildings and facilities are scattered in and around Oxford’s city centre.

Dubbed “the dreaming city of spires” by the 19th-century poet Matthew Arnold, Oxford is a beautiful city of stunning architecture, culture, and history. An established town since the 9th century, it has been home to royalty and many scholars.

The dozens of ancient and iconic buildings, including fascinating museums, galleries, libraries, theatres, cathedrals, and the colleges themselves, are live demonstrations of the city’s more than 800 years of history.

You can be forgiven for thinking Oxford is just about its prestigious university and esteemed history, but there is a lot more to the city. It might be proud of its famed history, but Oxford is not shy of adapting to current times. It has one of the youngest populations among UK cities, with a quarter of its population being students.

The city is now a bustling, youthful, cosmopolitan town that balances ancient and modern. It is also home to a growing hi-tech community with many businesses situated in and around the town. The city centre also has numerous major tourist attractions.

You will have to explore Oxford to truly appreciate its beauty, diversity, and vibrant culture.

Plenty to see and do

With a wide selection of art and entertainment venues throughout, Oxford’s cultural offerings are impressive meaning you’ll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy those well-earned study breaks.

Stroll along Oxford’s intricate network of smaller lanes lined with noble and historic buildings and places to enjoy arts and entertainment. Visit some of the local tourist attractions, enjoy the local music scene, see a film at a nearby cinema, have some fun time with a rendezvous at one of the local pubs, bars, coffee shops, or cafes, or dine out in one of Oxford’s quality restaurants.

Food and restaurants

Oxford’s diversity means you will be spoiled for choice when it is time to grab a bite to eat. With a huge number of food and drink options offering a wide range of cuisine throughout the city, there is something for every budget and every taste.

Discover the hidden secrets of the Oxford food scene in one of the many top-rated restaurants or friendly local bistros in the city and the surrounding area.

Studying at the University of Oxford 

UK’s perennial number one ranked university, Oxford is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Sitting at the top of the Times Higher Education and in the runner-up spot on the QS 2022 World University Rankings, the University of Oxford is world renowned because it has been offering one of the best educations in the world for a very long time.

A very high level of student satisfaction, academic excellence, world-leading research, and high teaching standards are a strong testament to Oxford’s overall prestige.

By virtue of these traits along with its antiquity, curriculum, and philosophy, it has also won the praises of popes, kings, and sages.

Academic prowess

As a world-class research-driven university, Oxford University has numerous strengths, but its particular prowess in the sciences stands tall. It was recently ranked number one in the world for medicine thanks to its enormous medical sciences division.

It’s also among the top ten universities globally for life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering, arts, and humanities.

The university is organised into four academic divisions:

  • Humanities
  • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
  • Medical Sciences
  • Social Sciences

From these four divisions, Oxford Uni offers 350 different graduate degree programs to a student body of around 25,000, around half of whom are undergraduates.

The modern-day university prides itself on having an ‘international character’ with about 40% of its enrolment being international students with connections to almost every country in the world.

The university not only offers much diversity, it also presents a wealth of provisions for supporting students in their academic studies and beyond.

Learning resources

Oxford’s learning resources are world-class. Made up of 39 self-governing institutions’ colleges, the university is home to the world’s largest university press and the UK’s biggest academic library. The Bodleian Library was rated the best in the UK by The National Student Survey in 2015.

With a library system that has close to one hundred faculty and college libraries boasting a copy of every book published in the UK, you can use your book budget on something else.

Oxford’s well-equipped libraries are celebrated, not only for their incomparable collections of books and manuscripts but also for their truly inspiring buildings, some of which have remained in continuous use since the Middle Ages.

But the unique strength of Oxford’s academic excellence lies in its tutorial system that facilitates extra lessons with tutors and a handful of other students. This will allow you to get a better grip on certain aspects of your studies.


Oxford’s excellence in, and strong reputation for, research draws students and staff from all over the world. The 2014 Research Excellence Framework placed the university top in the UK for research quality.

A global alumni network

The university’s 350,000-strong alumni base includes 26 Nobel Prize winners, more than 120 Olympic medallists, seven poet laureates, 26 UK Prime Ministers, and several world leaders such as Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Aung San Suu Kyi and Indira Ghandi.

Oxford Uni student life

Oxford offers chances to develop your interests beyond your degree. The university attracts a wide range of people from varied backgrounds.

The wealth of groups, societies, and campaigns that celebrate diversity and promote change on offer to students is indicative of the university’s active, vibrant, and diverse nature. Whatever your interests are, you’ll find like-minded people to share experiences with.

There is also a wide array of extra-curricular activities to get involved with, whether you want to row for the university, write for a student newspaper, or play at college open mic nights.

The college system

Oxford’s college system is regarded as the university’s best asset by many students. The system organises the university into smaller communities of students and staff with each college having its own particular character.

It’s at the heart of the university’s student experience, making it a special place to study and live. There are over 30 colleges and halls with each offering a strong support system throughout your uni days at Oxford. The colleges offer everything to students from subject tutors, staff and student welfare officers, peer mentors and chaplains to doctors and nurses.

Make the most of many opportunities to participate and socialise with lots of clubs, societies, intercollege sport, and drama.

Regardless of which college you belong to, you’ll be part of a close-knit community. Students mix and mingle freely across colleges, especially at university-wide events.

Entertainment in Oxford

When it’s time to be entertained, there’ll be loads of options in Oxford. Spend an enjoyable day out at an art gallery, or at one of the world-class museums, many of which are run by the university.

Soak up the city’s history and culture at the Ashmolean Museum, the UK’s first public museum, or step back in time at the Pitt Rivers Museum where you can see one of the world’s finest collections of anthropology and archaeology.

If you’re a night owl and a lover of music and dancing, there are an ample selection of cool bars, nightclubs, and pubs to keep you active until the early hours of the morning.

From lively city centre venues to idyllic country spots, pubs, bars, and traditional inns are plentiful throughout Oxford. There are also plenty of cafes, from large chains to chic Oxford coffee shops, for that ideal rendezvous.

Oxford University history

With its roots going back as far as the 11th century, the University of Oxford is considered the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and the second oldest in continuous operation in the world, behind only the University of Bologna in Italy.

While there is no clear date of foundation, it is said that teaching started in some form at Oxford in 1096. It developed rapidly after Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris in 1167.

The arrival of the first known overseas student, Emo of Friesland, in around 1190, kick-started the university’s longstanding tradition of international scholarly links.

The first of Oxford’s colleges (University, Balliol and Merton), which began as medieval ‘halls of residence’ or endowed houses under the supervision of a master, were established between 1249 and 1264.

Less than a century later, Oxford achieved eminence above every other seat of learning in the country. By virtue of its antiquity, curriculum, doctrine, and privileges, it won the praises of popes, kings, and sages, with Edward III paying tribute to the University for its invaluable contribution to learning in 1355.

The 18th century marked an era of scientific discovery and religious revival. Edmund Halley, Professor of Geometry, predicted the return of the comet that bears his name, while John and Charles Wesley’s prayer meetings laid the foundations of the Methodist Society.

The University assumed a leading role in the Victorian era, particularly in religion. The Oxford Movement sought to revitalise the Catholic aspects of the Anglican Church from 1833 onwards. One of its leaders, John Henry Newman, who later became a Cardinal, became a Roman Catholic in 1845.

Fifteen years later, the new University Museum was the scene of the famous debate between champion of evolution, Thomas Huxley, and English bishop in the Church of England, Bishop Wilberforce, one of the greatest public speakers of his day.

The university passed a statute allowing women to take part in exams in 1875. The first academic halls for women were established in 1878, but it wasn’t until 1920 that women were admitted to full membership of the university.

In 1974, five all-male colleges first admitted women. This inspired the remaining colleges to start admitting both genders. The former women-only college St Hilda’s, the last of Oxford’s single-sex colleges, started admitting both men and women in 2008.

During the 20th and early 21st centuries, Oxford added a major new research capacity in the natural and applied sciences, enhancing and strengthening its traditional role as an international hub for learning and intellectual debate.

Frequently asked questions about student accommodation near the University of Oxford

How can I book private accommodation near the University of Oxford on Student.com?

Find your preferred student accommodation by comparing properties we list with our website’s filter and mapping tools. Once you’ve found a student home that seems like the right one for you, click on ‘View rooms’ to go to the property page.

On the property page you’ll need to choose your preferred room type, as well as the dates for which you’ll need to book your accommodation. Once you’ve done this, simply click ‘Enquire’ or ‘Book Now’. A booking consultant will then reach out to you to take you through the next steps and answer any question you may still have.

Why should I live in private accommodation rather than in Oxford University dorms?

Living in private accommodation, you’ll have more privacy in your living arraignments. You won’t have to share a bedroom with other students but will have the chance to have a private room just for yourself. You can also choose to live in a fully self-contained studio property, where you won’t have to share any facilities with anyone.

What are the different types of student rooms you offer?

We currently offer two different types of student rooms in Oxford:

A Private Room offers a private bedroom. In most properties in Oxford, you’ll also get a private bathroom. Other facilities like the kitchen are shared with other students living in other rooms.

An Entire Place offers a fully private, self-contained studio property. You’ll have your own bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette without having to share anything. The perfect choice if you love your privacy!

Are bills included in the rent?

Most of the properties we currently list in Oxford have all bills included in the rent, and most of them also offer free Wi-Fi for their inhabitants. You can check the property page of the place you’re interested in to see what bills are included.

Are the flats you list fully furnished?

Most of the apartments we list are fully furnished. This is not the case with all the properties though, so check the property page to make sure if the place you’re interested in is rented fully furnished or not.

Do you offer graduate accommodation as well?

Yes. As long as you are a full-time student, you can book any accommodation with us.

Can I stay in my accommodation during the summer?

Yes, you can. All of the properties we list in Oxford offer apartments that can be booked with move out dates in late August or early September.



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