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Keine Suchergebnisse.Weitere Studentenzimmer suchen in der Nähe von Murfreesboro

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Combine modern culture with small-town friendliness in a city known for its Civil War history and infectious Southern charm

Whatever your definition of culture may be, you’ll find it in Murfreesboro. Immerse yourself in Civil War legend with a visit to Stones River National Battlefield, the site of one of the conflict’s goriest encounters. Explore the historic homes at Cannonsburgh Village to find out what life was like for local Tennesseans in the early 19th Century, or if you prefer something more modern, check out the Center for the Arts’ eclectic calendar for everything from Broadway musicals to contemporary art exhibitions.

Of course, much of Murfreesboro culture revolves around Middle Tennessee State University and its top-ranked sports teams. Whether you’re cheering for the basketball team at the Murphy Center or for the football team at Floyd Stadium, there’s nothing quite like being part of a united Blue Raiders crowd. On non-game days, keep an eye out for regular public events. Meet your friends on Main Street for free concert series Friday Night Live, or listen to famous bluegrass acts at the annual Uncle Dave Macon Days festival.

When you feel like a spot of retail therapy, try Stones River Mall for high street fashion labels and a great community vibe, or The Avenue for an open-air setup that lets you work on your tan whilst you shop. Wherever you go, you’ll find plenty of places to stop for a quick bite between purchases, or to enjoy a leisurely catch up with friends at the end of a long day. Try Just Love Coffee for artisan brews roasted on-site, or The Blue Cactus Cantina for Mexican/Creole fusion.



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