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Riverside, CA

Expect great weather, thriving culture and spectacular scenery when you join Riverside’s diverse student community

In between classes at the University of California Riverside, immerse yourself in the city’s rich culture. At the Riverside Metropolitan Museum, discover a treasure trove of artifacts belonging to the area’s Native American ancestors, or meet living examples of local wildlife. If it’s creative inspiration you’re after, get tickets to a big-name concert at the Fox Performing Arts Center, fall in love with the California Museum of Photography’s evocative prints, or catch a contemporary exhibition at Sweeney Art Gallery.

Of course, there’s also plenty of culture to be found in downtown Riverside’s vibrant retail and restaurant scene. Get your fashion fix in the stylish stores of open-air mall Riverside Plaza, before stopping for lunch and a movie. Stock up on fresh ingredients at Riverside Downtown Farmers’ Market, or skip the cooking and head out for dinner instead. Fill up on Tex-Mex favorites at Anchos Southwest Grill & Bar, or treat yourself to a gourmet burger from trendy craft spot The Salted Pig.

Riverside is also studded with stunning parks, giving you plenty of opportunities to experience the great outdoors. Escape the heat of a California summer in the sprawling green oasis of the UCR Botanic Gardens, or grab your camera for a visit to the beautiful citrus groves of the California Citrus State Historic Park. For a taste of true UCR tradition, hike up to the giant concrete ‘C’ on the side of iconic Mount Rubidoux – a historic ritual meant to guarantee good grades.



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