North Lodge

North LodgeNorth LodgeNorth LodgeNorth LodgeNorth LodgeVer todas las fotos
Book With ConfidenceGet a full refund and cancel for free if you don't get your place at University or your visa to study abroadMás detalles

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  • Sin visado no hay pago
  • Sin plaza, sin pagos


1284 estudiantes han guardado esta propiedad

Detalles de la propiedad

Situado a 16 minutos de Oxford Street y a 6 del centro del moderno municipio de Hackney. Únete a esta comunidad de estudiantes y disfruta de su excelente relación calidad-precio.

  • Dirección:

    Lebus Street, Londres, N17 9FQ

  • Distancia a la Ingla School of English (formerly English and Skills Training)
    • 48mins
    • 17mins
    • 17mins
  • Distancia a la UAL London College of Fashion (campus Mare Street)
    • 77mins
    • 32mins
    • 25mins
  • Periodo de cancelación gratuita:

    En un plazo de 7 días naturales

  • Instalaciones: Amueblado, Lavandería
  • Gastos incluidos: Wifi, Agua, Electricidad, Calefacción, Gas
  • Alojamiento

    Desplácese hacia abajo para ver más

    Instalaciones y servicios

    • Wifi
    • Garaje para bici
    • Recepción
    • Sala de juegos
    • Biblioteca/Zona de estudio
    • Amueblado
    • Sala de lavanderia comú (con monedas)
    Servicios de seguridad
    • Camaras de Seguridad
    • Alarma
    • Equipo de mantenimiento (Solo durante el dia)
    • Control de acceso (Bloqueo de puerta)

    Proceso de reserva

    Enviar una solicitud
    Habla con tu asesor
    Confirmación de la reserva
    Enviar una solicitud: Dinos tus requisitos y cómo contactar contigo. Si todavía no dispones de las fechas ni de los datos de tu universidad, no te preocupes, simplemente avísanos.
    Habla con tu asesor: Te asignaremos a un asesor experto en reservas. ¡Pregúntale lo que quieras! Dile lo que estás buscando.
    Confirmación de la reserva: Una vez hayas cumplimentado el formulario de solicitud de reserva y el resto de documentos específicos de la propiedad, podremos ayudarte a confirmar tu reserva

    Información sobre las facturas

    Todos los gastos incluidos

    El precio mostrado es el precio final, no se añade ninguna tasa

    • Wifi
    • Agua
    • Seguro de contenido
    • Elictricidad
    • Calefaccion
    • Gas
    Los servicios y tarifas están sujetos al contrato final.

    Condiciones de reserva

    Book With Confidence
    Sin visado no hay pago:Podrás cancelar gratis tu reserva si te deniegan el visadoSin plaza, sin pagos:Podrás cancelar gratis tu reserva en caso de no haber conseguido la nota necesaria para acceder a la universidad que querías

    Si necesitas cancelar tu reserva, contacta con nosotros dentro de los 7 días posteriores al pago de la fianza. De lo contrario, no podrás recuperar la fianza.

    Política de cancelación

    The booking

    Once a booking is processed, the student has 3 days to accept the offer. It means for the student and the guarantor to accept the contract and pay the £250 advance rent payment. (For bookings in England only. No Advance Rent Payment is required for bookings in Scotland).

    Once these steps are done, the booking is completed.

    If one of the step is not completed within these 3 days, the offer will expire.

    If the student still wants a room, we can re-process a booking, but we cannot guarantee that the same room or the same price will be available.

    Once the booking is completed, the student has another 7 days to change their mind and cancel their booking without any reasons. This is called the cooling-off period.

    Conditions for cancellation

    Past these 7 days, the student remains liable for the rent for the whole length of the tenancy unless they want to cancel with one of these 3 conditions:

    ·       No Place No Pay: if the student fails their exams or is rejected by the UK University, the student needs to send us the university rejection letter, or proof that the exam results don’t meet the requirements of the university, and we will cancel the booking and refund the money to the student. The student must send us the proof documents within 7 days of receiving them. This policy is valid until the 15th September.

    ·       No Visa No Pay: if the student doesn’t get their visa to come and study in the UK, the student must send us the visa application rejection letter within 7 days of receiving it and we will cancel the booking and refund the money to the student. This policy is valid until the 15th September.

    ·       No ATAS certificate, No Pay: Some international students coming to the UK to study in very specific fields need to apply for an ATAS certificate. (Academic Technology Approval Scheme). If a student’s ATAS certificate application is rejected we will cancel the booking and refund the money to the student. The student must send us the ATAS certificate application rejection letter within 7 days of receiving it and we will cancel the booking and refund the money to the student. This policy is valid until the 15th September.

    The cancellation requests along with the proof documents must be sent by the student, from the email address they have registered their account with Unite Students.

    The email must be sent either from the student to the agent, and then the agent contacts our teams.

    Replacement tenant found: if the student finds a replacement tenant to take over his room with the same tenancy length and same weekly rate, we can process the booking for the new student, and once the offer has been accepted by the new student and his guarantor, and that they have paid the £250 (if applicable), we will release the original student from their contract.

    Passed the 15th September, the No Place No Pay and No Visa No Pay do not apply.

    The student remains liable for the rent unless they find a replacement.


    Para más información, consulte las condiciones de la propiedad. La propiedad se reserva el derecho de interpretar y modificar las condiciones a su absoluta discreción.
    • Te garantizamos el alojamiento perfecto

      Elige el mejor alojamiento de estudiantes para disfrutar de una estancia segura y acogedora.

    • Mejor precio garantizado

      Encuentra un precio más bajo y lo igualamos

    • Servicio 24h de nuestro equipo de expertos

      Nuestro equipo de expertos multilingüe te asesorará las 24h