This property has a CCTV system installed
Check in time and values per person:
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:29: Free
Monday - Friday 17:30 - 18:59: 25Eur
Monday - Friday 19:00 - 20:59: 35Eur
Monday - Friday after 21:00: add 5Eur per hour
Saturday, Sunday and holidays:
09:00 - 10:59 - 40Eur
11:00 - 17:29: 45Eur
17:30 - 21:00: 50Eur
after 9pm, add 5Eur per hour
If you're looking for a great apartment to share with other students near the city centre - quite close to Areeiro metro station -, this is for you! There are six spacious bedrooms in this flat, all with windows. There's a living room with a cool balcony, which is the perfect place to relax after a long day with your friends and enjoy the lovely sunny Lisbon weather, and there are two common bathrooms!