Friar Gate, Derby, Derby, DE1 1AP
Entro 7 giorni
Il prezzo è quello finale, nessuna tassa aggiuntiva
Se vuoi cancellare la prenotazione devi fare richiesta entro 7 giorni dal pagamento della caparra, altrimenti non ti verrà rimborsata.
Politica di cancellazione1 - Prospective residents will have a 7 day cooling off period between making their booking and signing their Tenancy Agreement. Their reservation rent will be fully refundable if they cancel within this period.
2 - No place, no pay – this will only be available to first-year undergraduates or first-year postgraduates and will enable them to cancel in the event of receiving a rejection from their university of choice, on the condition that they:
· Inform us within 7 days of receiving their university rejection.
· Provide written proof of the rejection.
· Submit their cancellation and supporting evidence before 30th August.
3 - No visa, no pay – this will apply to first-year undergraduates or first-year postgraduate international students coming to the UK, on the condition that they:
· Inform us within 7 days of receiving their university rejection.
· Provide written proof of the rejection.
· Submit their cancellation and supporting evidence before 30th August.
Scegli il miglior alloggio per studenti per godere di un'esperienza di vita in totale sicurezza e confort.
Trova un prezzo più basso e ci adegueremo a quello
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