Check in time and values per person:
Check in time and values per person:
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:29: Free
Monday - Friday 17:30 - 18:59: 25Eur
Monday - Friday 19:00 - 20:59: 35Eur
Monday - Friday after 21:00: add 5Eur per hour
Saturday, Sunday and holidays:
09:00 - 10:59 - 40Eur
11:00 - 17:29: 45Eur
17:30 - 21:00: 50Eur
after 9pm, add 5Eur per hour
Have you packed your bags and are heading to Lisbon for your next student experience and want a quiet place to live? Perfect! Now finding accommodation is the next step. And what about his apartment in São Bento? The neighborhood is mainly residential, but is filled with transport links to all over the city, as well as commercial spots, cafes, bars and restaurants. Here you will find a peaceful environment while exploring the city at the same time. This apartment has a total of six bedrooms, one of which has an en-suite bathroom. There is also a shared kitchen where you and your roommates can cook your meals and hang out. So, if you are looking for a place where you feel at home from the start, this is the right choice.