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Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Student accommodation in Vienna

With over 1000 km of bike paths in and around the city, it couldn’t be easier to explore Vienna on two wheels. Use the Citybike scheme and dock your rented bike while you take a ride on the famous Reisenrad, the giant ferris wheel that takes you 65 m into the air. Leave your room in Vienna and shop for food and flowers at the Naschmarkt, the city’s largest open-air market, or visit on Saturdays to hunt for bargains at the flea market. Head to the Museumsquartier to get your culture fix: The Leopold Museum has the world’s largest collection of Egon Schiele’s work. After dark, buy tickets for the Vienna State Opera, or meet friends at Café Sperlhof to play billiards and ball games.



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