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Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III

Your accommodation in Montpelier provides easy access to all the city’s gems, from museums to beaches and bars

Thanks to the excellent tram system, students can explore each corner of Montpellier within minutes. As one of France’s fastest-growing cities, where students account for a high percentage of the population, Montpellier is a great place to enjoy your adventure abroad. On your way back home to your student housing in Montpelier, stop for a coffee at Place de la Comedie, relax at Jardin des Plantes, or go to Musee Fabre, an outstanding art gallery with paintings from some of the best French artists: Monet, Renoir or Delacroix. At the weekend, spend a lazy day at one of the nearby beaches, and stay late to enjoy the spectacular sunset. Later, meet up with friends to enjoy the city’s vibrant nightlife.



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