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UCFB Etihad Campus

Student housing in Manchester

Buzzing with urban energy, Manchester is a place that offers students everything from green parks to world class art, high-tech living and historical attractions.

Northern England’s largest city is wonderfully diverse, from its grand red brick Victorian architecture and neo-gothic buildings, to the glass fronted glory of MediaCityUK and Salford Quays. Throw in two world-class football teams, boutique stores and the enormous indoor Trafford Centre and you’ll get a sense of what drives Manchester and the fun you can have here. Wherever you choose your student home to be located, you’ll never be bored.

Popular areas for student housing in Manchester, close to the universities consists of Fallowfield, Salford, Rusholme and the City Centre. Wherever you choose your student flat to be located, Student.com has hundreds of beds in the best private properties, each one perfect for modern student life.



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