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Seneca College King Campus

Student housing in Toronto

Create an exciting student life in the middle of a world-class city, where international cuisine,  busy cafés and renowned cultural destinations all await. In Toronto you can live just steps from urban campuses or jump on the subway to move around the city with ease.

Spend your time getting to know the rhythm of lively and diverse districts like Kensington, Baldwin Village and Chinatown. Wind your way through the streets discovering tasty cheap eats and local treasures. Soak up the dramatic skyline of the Financial District, then stroll along the historic avenues of Cabbagetown past endless rows of Victorian houses.

Check out the art gallery scene in the Distillery District and browse the cutting-edge boutiques. Before you head back home, stock up on groceries as you pop in and out of the more than 100 artisanal food shops inside St. Lawrence Market. For a quick break from the city, step into the shady spots of Riverdale Farm or the lush Allan Gardens, then get ready for a fun night of professional sports or a big-name concert at the Air Canada Centre.

Window shop down Bloor Street, the city’s center for luxury retailers known as the Mink Mile in Yorkville, before strolling back to campus. Ryerson University and the University of Toronto are both within walking distance, and you can connect to the rest of the city’s colleges with Downtown Toronto’s network of excellent rapid transit.