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28 propiedades

El alojamiento en Glasgow tiene una gran demanda.

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  • Te garantizamos el alojamiento perfecto

    Elige el mejor alojamiento de estudiantes para disfrutar de una estancia segura y acogedora.

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    Nuestro equipo de expertos multilingüe te asesorará las 24h

University of Strathclyde

Located in the heart of Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde is the UK’s third largest university

The only higher education institution dating back to Scotland’s Enlightenment over 200 years ago, the University of Strathclyde prides itself on being a “place of useful learning”. It attributes its status as a leading international tech university to this ethos. With its campus in the centre of Glasgow, choose accommodation in the city centre or for a quick commute to class.