Offre de la résidence
Little Patrick St, Belfast, BT15 1BH
Dans les 72 heures
Le prix est final, pas de frais rajoutés
Si vous devez annuler votre réservation, merci de faire votre demande dans les 72 heures qui suivent le versement de la caution. Le cas échéant, la caution ne pourra être remboursée.
1. Student Roost may cancel your booking at its discretion at any time before you check-in to the property if:
(i) you have any rent arrears or owe any amounts/fees under any prior tenancy agreement or occupation contract with Student Roost or any member of its group;
(ii) you have not paid the rent due by the rent date, according to the payment frequency chosen during the booking process;
(iii) you have not paid the damages deposit;
(iv) you have not provided your guarantor's signed guarantee agreement (a) within 14 days of signing your tenancy agreement/occupation contract, or (b) before your check-in date, whichever is the earlier; or
(v) you have not checked-in within 14 days of the start of the tenancy period/occupation period, unless you have made arrangements with the property team for late arrival. You will be liable for the rent up to and including the date of termination.
2. Student Roost may terminate your tenancy agreement/occupation contract at any time before the first day of the tenancy period/occupation period if you are not able to start or continue your course of study at your chosen university or college. You must notify Student Roost in accordance with the terms of Student Roost’s 2025/26 Cancellation Policy.
3. Student Roost may terminate your tenancy agreement/occupation contract at any time during the tenancy period/occupation period if:
(i) you cease to be student in full time education in the United Kingdom;
(ii) you engage in any criminal or anti-social behaviour;
(iii) you breach or fail to observe any obligation or other term of your tenancy agreement or occupation contract; or
(iv) your property is located in Scotland or Northern Ireland, the rent is unpaid for 14 days after becoming due (whether legally demanded or not).
Student Roost will comply with all applicable laws when terminating your tenancy agreement/occupation contract in these circumstances.
The effect of such termination will be to end the tenancy period/occupation period but will not release you from any outstanding obligation and you will still be liable for the rent up to and including the date of termination and any other payments due.
4. If your property is located in England, Student Roost may apply to court for possession of the accommodation if any of the grounds numbered 2, 6, 7A, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 17 in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 exist or arise.
5. If your property is located in Wales, Student Roost may make a possession claim to court for possession of the accommodation in the circumstances set out in Chapters 3 and 7 of Part 9 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016.
Full details of the circumstances when Student Roost can terminate your tenancy agreement/occupation contract are set out in your tenancy agreement/occupation contract. You are advised to read the tenancy agreement/occupation contract carefully.
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