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Discover a charming city with a proud maritime heritage, diverse neighborhoods, and popular harborfront attractions

Baltimore offers a little bit of everything for university students. Soak up the character of this port city and marvel at handsome row houses as you wander through neighborhoods like Federal Hill. After visiting the attractions of Inner Harbor, take a culinary tour of Little Italy, then watch local artists at work in the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower, where you can visit studio spaces and tour an iconic clock.

Take the ferry out to Fort McHenry, a War of 1812 battle site that inspired the American national anthem. Afterwards, cruise over to Fell's Point to get a taste of this appealing waterfront neighborhood. Head back near downtown to Lexington Market where you'll find Faidley's, a beloved Baltimore institution serving the city's best crab cakes, then stroll down to Oriole Park at Camden Yards to catch a game.

With so many prestigious schools, it’s easy to tap into the vibrant student scene. The University of Baltimore and Maryland Institute College of Art are located close to downtown. When classes are over, you can go for a jog along the waterfront or meet your friends along the piers. Or swing by Red Emma’s, a thriving bookstore, event space, and vegan restaurant.

In between classes at John Hopkins University, you can browse through the locally-owned boutique shops in the Hampden neighborhood. Just a short distance away are Morgan State University and Loyola University Maryland. When you have a free weekend, hop on a train and be in Washington, DC in less than an hour.