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Texas AM University College of Engineering

Live in a city with live music venues, kitschy restaurants and sports stadiums all within walking distance of your home

They don’t call it College Station for no reason. This small city is practically overrun by the enormous campus of Texas A&M University so the student vibe is palpable everywhere. A&M’s 5,200 acres include an 18-hole golf course and a lovely green swath of parkland, which you can explore between classes.

The university seeps past its borders into the surrounding area where you’ll discover southern comfort food, live music venues and the inevitable camaraderie of all those who live in Aggieland. The whole town participates in a series of exciting rituals, particularly in the fall when the home football team takes on opponents in Kyle Stadium. Join the locals as the town gathers for a “midnight yell” the evening before each game, where team chants and songs resound around center field.

You’re deep in the heart of Texas, a proud state rich in history. Discover the legacy of George H.W. Bush at his namesake Presidential Museum, where rotating exhibits bring the stories to life and millions of resources make the library a veritable wonderland for history buffs.

Along with the inescapable campus life, and numerous choices of College Station student housing, you’ll also find a wealth of convenience shops, bars and restaurants and booming live music venues. Pop into Dixie Chicken to taste their famous chicken burgers while soaking up the atmosphere of a live gig.

Best of all, you can walk or bike ride through College Station and to campus in no time. Hop on a free TAMU bus to get there even quicker.




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