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Université de Nantes

Step outside your Nantes accommodation and explore the arts scene in this lively, student city on the banks of the Loire

You’ll soon feel right at home in Nantes. It couldn’t be easier to tap into the vibrant arts scene — just ‘follow the green line’ which links all the city’s key sites. There’s something for everyone on the 10-mile trail, from Michel Colombe’s 16th century masterpiece, Tombeau de François II, to the pretty arcade Passage Pommeraye, and Les Machines De L’Île, which is home to a gigantic mechanical elephant. When hunger strikes, fill up on French comfort food at Les Fils à Maman. Don’t rush home to your Nantes student accommodation; meet friends for drinks at Le Nid, on top of the Tour Bretagne, watch the sun set over the river from Hangar A’ Bananas, or enjoy live music at Mélocotton.



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