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Ritz Mansion - Balestier

Ritz Mansion - BalestierRitz Mansion - BalestierRitz Mansion - BalestierRitz Mansion - BalestierRitz Mansion - BalestierVedi tutte le foto

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A partire da SGD1.500SGD1.250 /mese

  • Soggiorno lungo
Informazioni sulla proprietà

Clean and spacious apartment within heart of Singapore next to a shopping center and many eateries

  • Indirizzo:

    346 Balestier Rd, Singapore , Singapore, 329776

  • Distanza da Beacon International College:
    • 9min.
    • 4min.
  • Distanza da East Asia Institute of Management:
    • 17min.
    • 9min.
  • Servizi: Cucina, Arredato, Lavanderia, Frigorifero, Palestra
  • Spese incluse: Wi-Fi, Acqua, Luce
  • Attrezzature e servizi

    • Wi-Fi
    • Palestra
    • Frigorifero
    • Ascensori
    • Cucina in comune
    • Completamente arredato
    • Lavanderia all'interno dell'appartamento
    • Videosorveglianza
    • Addetti alla manutenzione (solo di giorno)
    • Agente di sicurezza (pattuglia H24)
    • Accesso controllato (H24)

    Cose da sapere

    Booking Process
    Invia richiesta
    Confirmed by the property manager
    Making payment
    Invia richiesta
    Your booking will be automatically cancelled if the property manager doesn't accept within 24 hours.
    You can contact the property manager via live chat to help you track the progress.
    Confirmed by the property manager
    You need to make the payment in time once the property manager confirms your booking.
    If the property is not available, the property manager will give you a new offer trying the best to provide you with a similar property.
    Making payment
    You need to make a partial payment to confirm your booking.
    Please wait for check-in in peace of mind after you complete the payment. (No more operations are required.)
    House rules
    These rules will need to be followed when you move in
    Vietato fumare
    Adatto alle famiglie
    Alcolici vietati nelle aree comuni / pubbliche

    Dettagli spese

    Tutte le spese incluse

    Il prezzo è quello finale, nessuna tassa aggiuntiva

    • Wi-Fi
    • Acqua (entro un tetto massimo)
    • Luce (entro un tetto massimo)
    Servizi e tariffe sono soggetti al contratto finale.

    Please see the terms and conditions which apply to your chosen property. The property manager may require you to sign a copy of such terms and conditions before or upon move-in.

    • Brahminy Cancellation PolicyView
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    • Garanzia del miglior prezzo

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