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2139 résidences
Résidences recommandées
Calle Campo Florido 6
Longue durée
This 3 bedroom apartment is located near Casa de Campo and the nearest metro station is Colonia Jardín (Line 10).
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sur Student.com
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Sedano 16
Longue durée
This 3 bedroom apartment is located near Casa de Campo and the nearest metro station is Colonia Jardín (Line 10).
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sur Student.com
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Ercilla 26
Longue durée
This spacious modern studio apartment comes fully furnished and is move-in ready.
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sur Student.com
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Inviting studio a short walk from Nebrija University
Longue duréeDernières chambres !
No viewing is available
Factures incluses: Wi-Fi
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sur Student.com
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Student accommodation in Madrid

The sprawling metropolis of Madrid is constantly evolving, with new restaurants, gastrobars and boutiques springing up every day. Wander around the stunning city to discover spectacular palaces, medieval mansions and original tapas bars. After lectures, you won’t want to rush back to your student accommodation in Madrid. Instead, take a book to the picturesque Botanic Garden or the nearby Buen Retiro Park. By day, explore the Reina Sofia and Thyssen-Bornemisza museums, which keep getting bigger and better. At night, the city comes alive with cocktail bars and flamenco dancing that can go on until dawn. This city lives life to the full.



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