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35 résidences
Résidences recommandées
Smart double bedroom  near the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Longue duréeCourte duréeDernières chambres !
No viewing is available
Factures incluses: Wi-Fi, Eau, Électricité, Gaz
Chambre privée
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Bright double bedroom not far from Lyon Saint Paul train station
Longue duréeCourte duréeDernières chambres !
No viewing is available
Factures incluses: Wi-Fi, Eau, Électricité, Gaz
Chambre privée
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Big double bedroom in residential Sans-Souci Dauphiné
Chambre privée
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Homely double bedroom in Vaulx-en-Velin
Longue duréeCourte duréeDernières chambres !
No viewing is available
Chambre privée
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Big double bedroom in La Confluence
Chambre privée
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Large 23 m² bedroom for rent near Lyon - LYO44
Longue duréeCourte duréeDernières chambres !
No viewing is available
Factures incluses: Wi-Fi, Eau, Électricité, Gaz
Chambre privée
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  • La garantie d'un logement parfait

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Student accommodation in Lyon

With a history stretching back to the Roman times, Lyon is one of France’s most dynamic cities. While it may have an ancient past, France’s third largest city offers students with a diverse array of culture, restaurants and shopping. Leave your accommodation in Lyon and head to the famous piazza, Place Bellecour. Then explore the dazzlingly Notre Dame de Fourvière and Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon. Foodies are in luck as the area is regularly described as being the gastronomic capital of Europe thanks to its Michelin star offerings and not-to-be-missed traditional bistros. December is always a magical time as the city hosts the spellbinding Festival of Lights. Student life in Lyon is enticing and varied - the perfect fusion of present and past.



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