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Amnis House

Amnis HouseAmnis HouseAmnis HouseAmnis HouseAmnis HouseVoir toutes les photos
Book With ConfidenceGet a full refund and cancel for free if you don't get your place at University or your visa to study abroadPlus d'info

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À partir de €293 /sem.

  • Pas de visa, pas de paiement
  • Pas d'admission, pas de paiement
  • Longue durée

Populaire !

8 étudiants ont sauvegardé cette résidence

Informations sur la résidence

Minutes from University College Cork and under half an hour from CIT, Cork College of Commerce and St John’s Central College, Amnis House takes the hassle out of getting, well, to anywhere that matters really. And that includes getting a taste of Cork’s legendary nightlife.

  • Adresse :

    Amnis House, Western Road, Cork, T12 E2RF, Cork, T12 E2RF

  • Trajet jusqu'à University College Cork
    • 11mins
    • 5mins
    • 2mins
  • Trajet jusqu'à Munster Technological University
    • 55mins
    • 17mins
    • 10mins
  • Installations: Cuisine, Meublé, Laverie, Salle de sport
  • Factures incluses: Wi-Fi, Eau, Électricité, Chauffage, Gaz
  • Installations & services

    • Wi-Fi
    • Salle de cinéma
    • Salle de sport
    • Local à vélos
    • Réception
    • Manager sur place
    • Ascenseurs
    • Salle de divertissement
    • Cuisine commune
    • Salle d'étude
    • Entièrement meublé
    • Laverie avec machines à laver à pièces
    • CCTV / Système de vidéosurveillance
    • Équipe de maintenance (uniquement la journée)
    • Portail sécurisé (clé électronique)
    • Interdiction de fumer
    • Pas d'animaux

    Détails des factures

    Toutes les factures sont incluses

    Le prix est final, pas de frais rajoutés

    • Wi-Fi
    • Eau
    • Électricité
    • Chauffage
    • Gaz
    Les installations et tarifs dépendent du contrat final.

    Conditions de réservation

    Book With Confidence
    Pas de visa, pas de paiement:Votre réservation peut être annulée gratuitement si la demande de visa a été refuséePas d'admission, pas de paiement:Une réservation peut être annulée gratuitement si vous n'avez pas été accepté à l'université de votre choix

    Si vous devez annuler votre réservation, merci de faire votre demande dans les 14 jours qui suivent le versement de la caution. Le cas échéant, la caution ne pourra être remboursée.

    Politique d'annulation

    Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions defined in your License to Reside (“License”) shall have the same meanings in this cancellation policy.

    Bookings made prior to 1st May 2025

    If you sign your License prior to 1st May 2025 and you have not collected the keys to your room, you may cancel your License, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the manager at the property, with no penalty up until the 1st May 2025. Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your License and will refund your advance room fee payment.

    Bookings made on or after 1st May 2025.

    If you sign your License on or after 1st May 2025 and you have not collected the keys to your room, you may cancel your License, at any time within the period of fourteen (14) days of the date on which you sign your License (the “Cooling-Off Period”). Notice must be in writing or by e-mail to the manager at the property. Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your License and will refund your advance room fee payment.

    Cancelling outside the Cooling-Off Period

    Outside the cooling-off period, you may request to cancel your License, by notice in writing or by e-mail to the manager at the property. However, you will remain liable for the room fee payable under the License until a suitable replacement student has been found.

    Cancelling as you do not receive your visa

    If you are not successfully awarded a visa to travel and study, then we can help. Firstly, we may be able to transfer you to another one of our residences around the globe if you are going to study elsewhere. If you are not going to study elsewhere or we do not have accommodation available in your new city/town of study, we will release you from your License provided the following criteria are met:

    You submit your request to cancel, in writing or by e-mail to the manager at the property, within 3 days of your visa rejection letter; and You provide the manager with a copy of your rejection letter from the embassy or visa office.

    If you license has commenced, you will remain liable for the room fee payable under the License until receipt of the above.

    One less worry if you don’t receive your offer

    This is applicable to prospective first-year round one CAO undergraduate students only.

    If you are not successful in obtaining your place at your chosen college, then don’t worry, we can help. Firstly, we may be able to transfer you to another one of our residences if you are going to study elsewhere. If you are not going to study elsewhere or we do not have accommodation available in your new city/town of study, we will release you from your License provided the following criteria are met:

    Current year leaving certificate students may submit a request to cancel, in writing by e-mail to the manager at the property, within 24 hours of your offer/rejection.

    You provide the manager with a copy of your rejection letter from the college or CAO.

    Once we have your request, we will confirm receipt and refund your advance room fee payment.

    Pour plus d'information, merci de consulter les conditions générales de la résidence. La résidence se réserve le droit, à sa seule discrétion, d’interpréter et de modifier les conditions.
    • La garantie d'un logement parfait

      Sélectionnez le meilleur logement étudiant qui offre une expérience de vie confortable et en toute sécurité.

    • Garantie du meilleur prix

      Trouvez un prix inférieur et nous le battrons.

    • Une équipe d'experts en réservation disponible 24H/24H

      Obtenez des conseils de nos experts multilingues à tout moment de la journée.



    • 当季优惠


    • 留学锦囊


    • 新生入群
