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242 résidences
Résidences recommandées
Very cosy 2-bedroom apartment in Lame
Longue duréeDernières chambres !
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sur Student.com
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Bed in a twin bedroom in Mazzini neighbourhood
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sur Student.com
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Student accommodation in Bologna

One of Bologna’s nicknames is ‘La Grassa’ (the fat one), which tells you everything you need to know about the city’s incredible food scene. Parmigiano-Reggiano, Modena balsamic vinegar and proscuitto are all produced the region, so you’ll want to stock up on produce at the open-air Mercata della Terra to fill the fridge in your Bologna apartments, or dine on fresh tortelloni and ragù at Trattoria Anna Maria. Burn off the calories as you climb 498 steps to the top of the Asinelli Tower, then stroll through the city’s medieval squares before stopping for gelato at Cremeria Funivia. After dark, there’s a lively student social scene; meet friends over beers at Piazza Verdi, then go dancing at Soda Pops or enjoy live music at Bar Wolf.



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