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396 résidences
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New York

Student apartments in New York City

New York is one of the most iconic cities in the world to live in, and also one of the most diverse. Start your journey by living in student housing in Midtown, surrounded by world-famous sights like Times Square and the Empire State Building. Or, head to the Upper West Side for the bright lights of Broadway, or the Upper East Side for New York’s Museum Mile.

For student housing in NY close to NYU campus, you'll want to find an off-campus student room in Greenwich Village or East Village.  You might also want to rent off-campus apartments near to Columbia University in Harlem, with it's rich cultural heritage with live music and soul food.

You'll be treading in Andy Warhol’s footsteps when living in a dorm in off-beat East Village and dive into its alternative clothes stores. Or experience student life in Brooklyn, where you'll find NY's historic brownstone buildings.

On Student.com, you'll find NY student off-campus housing designed for student life in many other iconic New York neighbourhoods too, such as Brooklyn Heights, Queens and the West Village.



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