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University in Rome-The Rome University of Fine Arts

Student accommodation in Rome

There are plenty of rooms for students in Rome, all within easy reach of the city’s iconic sights. Take time to explore its great monuments: visit the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and St Peter’s Basilica, or find hidden gems as you get lost in the city’s cobbled lanes. Dine like a local and eat pizza at the rowdy Da Remo, or head to Il Gelato di San Crispo for some of Rome’s most famous gelato, which you can enjoy beside the stunning Trevi Fountain. Be inspired by classical sculpture at Capitoline Museums, or see contemporary art at Macro: Museo d’Arte Contemporanea. If you’re in the mood to shop, you’ll find all your favourite stores on Via del Corso, or head to Via Vittorio Veneto for Italian boutiques.